Saturday, March 11, 2017

3 More Way to Stop the Clock

Yoga : Bow Pose

Good morning readers, this time I want to share my post about 3 more way to stop the clock. Stop the clock? I think it impossible to do that. Let’s check it out.
To keep your body looking and feeling its best with each passing year. Studies have shown that doing yoga is one of the greatest ways to slow the clock. And it’s not just because you’re helping your muscles remain limber a regular yoga practice may increase the levels of stay-young hormones that can slow the aging process.
Yoga isn’t the only workout that shaves off years. Add these activities to your fitness routine to build more muscle, increase flexibility and boost your energy level at any age.

1. Do Intervals
Going hard for brief periods at a time (aka high-intensity interval training) significantly improves physical fitness, even in older people, and helps protect both the heart and brain, according to a body of research.

Hit the pool

2. Hit the Pool
Even when your joints get creaky, you’ll feel better when buoyant. Swimming burns 400plus calories an hour, strengthens your entire body, gives you a kick of energy and lowers stress, which can age your body fast.

3. Lift Heavy
Research shows that seniors who do resistance training experience a reversal of aging on a molecular level. Plus, pumping iron also helps slow sarcopenia, the gradual loss of muscle that can start as early as 30.

So, that's it all about 3 more way to stop the clock. See you in the next post, thank you for reading.

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I am an Indonesian who love simple things in life. I live in Jakarta, a BCS graduate at private university ranked 14th in Indonesia (2016). Hope you guys enjoy reading my blog, stay in touch with me in G+.